Saturday, September 07, 2013

THE SHEPHERD’S STANDARD: The Kindness of Shepherds

“A bishop then must be…of good behavior, hospitable…” (1 Timothy 3:2 NKJV)

It is difficult to think of our Good Shepherd, Jesus, without associating Him with kindness.  Certainly, He could be forceful—and even angry at times.  But, whether lifting children into his lap, responding to the pleas of the hurting, or showing compassion to the poor, the gentle touch of Christ with these lambs is evident in His ministry.

If I am to be the kind of shepherd God wants me to be, then kindness must exude from my life.  From my open heart comes open hands, “good behavior” and an open home, “hospitable.”

Wiersbe aptly says, “He should be a real gentleman.  He should love people and enjoy having them in his home.”[1]   Thus, the pastor must be polite, have good manners and a proper decorum that befits his sacred calling.

The pastor must be caring and not careless.  This shows how he values people.  He recognizes these sheep belong to the Lord and were purchased at an incalculable price!  Love will be the soul-stirring force in his life.

One mark of this will be hospitality.  He can extend hospitality because he has the support of his wife, since he has proven himself a leader in his home and demonstrated faithfulness to her.  Company entertained in the house will find no skeletons in the closet.  He will not be embarrassed by his children for his family life is in order.  When there is kindness to the family in private, it will likewise be evident in kindness to the flock in public.


May the kindness of the Lord Jesus mark my ministry.  May it radiate from my home, so much that others will be drawn there.  Help me extend hospitality to those who need a shelter.  Make me responsive to the loneliness of others.  Give me an open heart and an open home!
In the name of the Good Shepherd, Jesus,

[1] Wiersbe, W. W. (1992). Wiersbe’s expository outlines on the New Testament (p. 626). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

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