Monday, December 08, 2014



No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.  (John 15:15)

I am a friend of Jesus…and I will be His friend forever!  He has called all His followers, “friends.”  That Jesus would describe me that way is a source of wonder.  He says that we are invited into His inner circle of confidants—that there is a superlative intimacy we may enjoy with Him.  Friends share their very heart.  There are no secrets between them.  So, we find in the first disciples, John, leaning on Jesus’ chest, hearing the very heartbeat of Christ.  We read in the Gospels of Mary’s repeated station at Jesus’ feet—learning from Him.  That is our privilege too!  As His friends, we may rest on His breast and repose at His feet—both now bearing the wounds of His affections for us—the price required to provide sinners like we are access to His holy Presence!  When I should be treated as a foe, He talks to me as a friend!  This reconciliation came through the blood of the cross.  Shall I disdain such a sacrifice and refuse to return His love today, by busying myself with trivial pursuits, rather than seeking His heartbeat by drawing near in prayer?  Could I be so cold as to shun an opportunity to sit at His feet and learn His deepest secrets, by the distraction of the world’s media instead of abiding in His Word?  God forbid that I do so!  My Forever Friend, I run to You!