Tuesday, December 09, 2014



The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
My God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 
I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised;
So shall I be saved from my enemies.  (Psalm 18:2-3)

When a life is founded upon Christ, there is stability in the storm.  When a life is fortified by Christ, there is security in the strife.  He will deliver His people from their fears and their foes.  The implication cannot be missed—that our sojourn on earth will be filled with difficulties and fraught with dangers.  Yet, we have the strength of the Lord to lean on and His salvation to look to in these perilous times.  God is our shield, salvation, and stronghold, the Psalmist testifies.  The author, David, had certainly experienced God in these ways.  The superscription of the Psalm gives the context. 
A Psalm of David The Servant of the LORD, Who Spoke to the LORD The Words of This Song on the Day that the LORD Delivered Him from the Hand of All His Enemies and from the Hand of Saul.

No wonder as his heart fills with these realities that he erupts in profuse praise!  How can we do otherwise?  It is madness to think we can make it on our own.  Our lack of prayer is an expression of arrogance, and our absence of praise is a testimony of ungratefulness.  May it never be!  Each morning should bring an awareness of our desperate need for God—all He is to meet all I need.  Let this day dawn with me crying out to Him, and the sun will set with me celebrating in Him!  I don’t know what you are facing today—but, I know this—God is worthy to be praised!

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