Wednesday, December 10, 2014



Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.  But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.”  (Acts 10:34-35)

There is no partiality with God.  Now, that doesn’t mean that we are all the same—the Creator didn’t use a cookie-cutter—but, it means, for one thing, that we must all come to God the same way, and that we can all come to Him without distinction.  We are all in the same boat—one that is sinking in sin—and there is no hope to fix the leak.  There is only one way of rescue, and that is through Christ, irrespective of who we are.  No matter whether we are religious or irreligious, rich or poor, young or old, male or female, short or tall—or any other way that we classify people—we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless we are born again!  What we are concerning our natural birth is universally under condemnation.  What we must have is a spiritual birth that brings our conversion.  There is no partiality.  That is what Peter, a Jew, told to Cornelius, a Gentile. 

Then, without favoritism, yet in His sovereign purpose, God distributes varied gifts, capacities, and callings for His children.  Nevertheless, all God’s children are gifted children.  We are equally accountable to God for the particular stewardship of that assigned to us—not in relation to someone else’s responsibility, but to our own.  It is not a matter of comparison and competition with other saints.  It is about an impartial Judge weighing our faithfulness or lack thereof against the design He has for us. 

If you have not received Christ and His salvation, what will you do with this great privilege to come to God?  Do not debate the need—we all have it.  Do not hesitate over the possibility—we all can come to Him.  There are those who waver by wondering, “What if I am not one of the elect?”  Dear one—you would not have the desire for God unless He desired you!  You would not want righteousness, unless He is drawing you.  This is what Peter means when he speaks of those, in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness.”   

For those who have come to Him, what will we do with this immense potential to serve our God?  Will we not reverence our Master?  Will we not work for Him who has worked salvation in us?  I cannot imagine someone who has God’s grace in them, failing to evidence it in their character, conduct and conversation to some degree.  Without exception—Christ brings a change in us!  That is the Spirit’s fruit—and if there is not fruit from God, then there is no root in His life.  God, without partiality, will judge such as counterfeit Christians.


  1. Amen! Thanks for sharing your insights! Blessings!

  2. You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
