Tuesday, April 14, 2015


For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.  (1 Timothy 3:13)

The duty of the deacon is seen in the word, “serve,” reminding us that a deacon’s work is not about status, but service.  The dignity of the deacon is seen in the word “deacon,” underscoring that this office—along with the pastor—is vital to the local church.  The destiny of the deacon is seen in the phrase, obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus,” promising recognition on earth and reward in eternity.  I am going to use the word “deacon” as an acrostic. 

Disciplined (v.8) The first deacons were chosen because they were men full of the Holy Spirit—and the fruit of the Spirit is self-control.  The deacon is a man of discipline.  He disciplines his tongue.  He doesn’t say one thing in a deacons’ meeting and a different thing in a business meeting.  The deacon is disciplined when it comes to drinking alcohol.  You never have to worry about becoming a drunk, if you don’t take the first drink.  The deacon is disciplined in his finances. He may be a successful white collar businessman or a hard working blue collar guy—but he manages his money with integrity and therefore can be trusted with church finances too.

Exemplary (v.8, 10-13) The first deacons were men of solid reputation.  The deacon must be a model to the other members of the church.  He is a model in his deportment, taking the work of the Lord seriously.  He is a model in his conduct.  He has a proven track record.  He is a model in his character.  None of us are perfect, but the deacon cannot have glaring moral deficiencies. His family life is one that members would look at and say, “That’s the kind of family life I want.”

Alert (v.9; 14-15) Deacons are to be the gatekeepers to prevent false doctrine from entering the church.  They are to know, love, believe and guard the purity of Bible teaching and preaching.  Their ears are to be like doctrinal radar to alert the church if a wolf comes in dressed in sheep’s clothing intent on destroying the church.  Paul underscores that the church is the pillar and ground of truth. 

Courageous (v.13) Picture one of the first deacons, Stephen, standing before a hostile religious mob that despised Jesus and with a confidence born of conviction sealing his testimony with his own blood.  He was the first martyr in the church—not an Apostle, not a pastor—a deacon.  Leadership is not about doing the popular thing—it’s about doing the right thing

Others-oriented (v.10) Deacons are not a board to run the church. The word “deacon” literally means “through dust,” for stirring up the dust as they hasten to their task.  Acts 6 brought the formation of the deacons because the preachers needed some partners—that they might give themselves to their priority of preaching and prayer.

Needed (v.14-15)  Real hope and change will never come from Washington.  It only comes from Christ—and the church is His body.  The world needs the church and the church needs the deacons—this is the hour to rise to our responsibility.  That is the deacon’s duty, dignity, and destiny!  Blessed is the church that has such men serving as deacons!

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