Monday, April 13, 2015


Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.  (Proverbs 31:30)

I thank the Lord for my godly mother.  History recognizes the contribution mothers make.  Napoleon said, “What France wants is good mothers, and you may be sure then that France will have good sons.”  Teddy Roosevelt declared, “If the mother does not do her duty, there will either be no next generation, or a next generation that is worse than none at all.”  What an awesome responsibility and wonderful opportunity a woman has to impact the world.  What makes for a good mother?   Proverbs 31:10-31 gives us God’s perspective on the matter.

The majesty of a mother is grounded in HER VIRTUE (v.10a).  This is the foundation upon which all other qualities are built.  It is the righteousness that comes through faith in Christ.  None can be virtuous apart from God’s grace in redeeming us from sin and regenerating us to new life.  That virtue worked into us will be worked out of us. 

The majesty of a mother is found in HER VALUE (v.10b-12).  The scarcer something is—the more value it holds.  Godly mothers are a rare jewel.  Earlier in Proverbs, we are told that whoever finds a wife finds a good thing.  She is trustworthy.  Not only does she not do the family harm, she is a positive force for good.

The majesty of a mother is revealed in HER VISION (v.13-16).  A godly mother is always looking out for the welfare of her family.  She is a hard worker, like the woman pictured here.  Her activity is motivated by her love for husband and children.  Such a woman has a sharp eye for the family finances.  She knows a bargain when she sees it!

The majesty of a mother is disclosed in HER VITALITY (v.17).  She has to be strong to bear the burdens she must carry.  Mom is the glue that holds the family together—the refuge whose arms we run to when we fall down.  This power is not from physical stature, but spiritual strength. 

The majesty of a mother is evident in HER VIGILANCE (v.18-21).  When others are slumbering, mothers often have their eyes open to watch out for their family.  Phillips, Craig and Dean have a song, “Mama used to burn the midnight oil down on her knees in prayer.”  I am a recipient of a godly mother’s midnight vigilance.  How many prayers did she invest in you?

The majesty of a mother is noted in HER VIBRANCY (v.22-27).  Godly women dress as becoming holiness—beautifully and modestly—though not extravagantly.  She adorns herself with speech that encourages.  She offers praise for God’s goodness.  Moms are an encyclopedia of wisdom.  Listen attentively and soak it in—you will be the better for it.

The majesty of a mother is consummated in HER VICTORY (v.28-31).  Such a woman deserves our praise!  We celebrate her life.  She understands that time takes its toll on our face and form, but the beauty of holiness endures. She isn’t spending hours looking into a mirror to put on makeup, without investing time before the mirror of God’s Word seeking to look like Christ!  Such a woman has victory in Jesus!  God, give us Christian women like this!

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