Sunday, January 14, 2018


Read Psalm 5.

There are some appointments we should keep today.  David met with God first thing in the morning as he prayed.  Will you?  He came before his King in surrender.  He cried out to his God in supplication.  Before he looked into the face of men, he looked up to the face of his Master.  Can you think of anyone more important to see today?  

He is a holy God.  David felt the gravity of this appointment.  Let us come before Him in repentance.  It is an awesome thing to be in His presence.  We do not come causally or carelessly, and yet we are invited through grace to come.  God is waiting for you.  Will you keep that appointment?

The second appointment we should keep today is to gather at the house of God for worship.  There is an appointed hour and place to meet with God’s people to celebrate His goodness together.  

David speaks of coming into God’s house “in the multitude of Your mercy.”  By rights we should all be in hell today, but God has shown mercy in that we are alive.  Having sought His salvation, we can now sing and shout for joy in that God has shown us mercy on top of mercy.  

The world is a hostile place.  David had many enemies. Yet, the house of God was a sanctuary—a place of refuge for his soul.  I need that.  You need that.  Will you keep that appointment?

What will be your attitude and activity today as you come before the Lord and meet with His people?  Will an overflowing heart of love and joy be exuberantly expressed?  God deserves our praise.  He has taken us through another week, and so we are privileged to thank Him for what He has done, as we anticipate more blessing to come in the week ahead.  With favor He surrounds us as a shield. 

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