Saturday, January 13, 2018


Read Psalm 4.

There should be earnestness in our praying—not going through the motions, mouthing a few pious phrases, checking it off our “to do list” and then moving on.  Such praying is wasted breath.  It rises no higher than the ceiling.  It is like those who draw near to God with their lips, while their heart is far from Him.

David’s plea was urgent and passionate.  He needs an answer from God.  There is confidence God will hear because God has relieved him from distress before.  There is confidence, yet not the arrogance of a petulant, demanding child.  He begs for mercy.  Yet, there is boldness to come to the throne of grace.   He needs deliverance from his foes, and their diabolical schemes.

David was a man after God’s own heart.  That did not make him immune from the attacks of others.  In fact, it guarantees it.  If you please God, you will displease a lot of people.  Yet, David realizes that he is in God’s hands.

How do you feel when people lie about you?  It angered David—and that is an emotional response, altogether proper.  But, he speaks within his heart a warning not to allow that anger to be sinfully expressed.  He will not take matters into his own hands, but trust in a sovereign God to whom vengeance properly belongs.  He calms his soul by meditating on the Lord while he lies in bed.

David directed his heart from looking around him at his enemies, to looking above him at his God.  He worships.  He trusts.  Having been attacked, he puts it in the hands of the Lord.  The anger then dissipates.  The potential fear dissolves.  Instead, David expresses joy and experiences peace.  Despite his circumstances, and the threats of men, he reposes in the arms of God.  Can you find a safer place?

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