Monday, February 04, 2019


Remember the old Beatles’ song, “All You Need Is Love”?  That’s true!  The all-encompassing commandment is to love God with all our being, which if truly done means we will also love others—made in the image of God—as we love ourselves.  Easy to say; hard to do. Yet, having received the grace of God, we have the motivation and might to extend that grace to others.  Ephesians 4:25-27 presents this challenge.

1.  BE HONEST. “Therefore, putting away lying, ‘Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,’ for we are members of one another.” (v.25). Understand, that “no man is an island,” as the saying goes. What we do impacts others—and may have far-reaching effects. I am to reject deception and embrace truth. Jesus declared that He was the incarnation of Truth, and since He abides in the Christian, we are to be truth-tellers. Gossip, innuendo, exaggeration, slander, and so forth are deceitful and demonic. Such words destroy relationships.  You cannot have a love relationship without honesty.

2.  BE SELF-CONTROLLED.  “‘Be angry, and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath,” (v.26).  Anger is like an alarm system.  It arises when someone’s rights are violated—whether ours or another’s. You cannot stop anger from arising any more than you cannot jerk your hand back when you touch something hot.  It is not a sin to feel anger, but such a powerful emotion that it moves quickly to sin if we don’t deal with anger. Self-control is paramount, so that we respond properly. Yet, neither do we conceal anger, and let it fester. The issues that gave rise to it must be faced, or it will smolder, and ignite at another time.
3.  BE VIGILANT. “nor give place to the devil.” (v.27). Satan is always looking for an entry point to assault you, and you must be vigilant. Many times his attacks come through wrong attitudes and wrathful actions as we fail to love others. A lack of honesty in relationships opens the door to Satan who is the father of lies.  Exploding in anger is a manifestation of the Devil, who is the origin of murder—the ultimate expression of anger. Jesus spoke of both in John 8:44.

How we treat others really matters.  If we cannot love those whom we see, how can we claim to love the God we cannot see, Who made them in His likeness?

Dennis Thurman

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