Tuesday, February 05, 2019


When is a door not a door?  When it’s ajar!  I know that’s corny, but it makes an important point. The Christian is not just someone who tries stopping certain behaviors, but, by the grace of God, becomes different than they were.  The Apostle Paul speaks to this in Ephesians 4.  Of course, he tells us to stop sinning against our fellowman, but more—to start serving our fellowman.

Paul, the champion of grace, reminds us of the place of our works.  We are not saved because of what we do, but there are things we don’t do and actions that we do because we are saved. “Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.” (v.28‬)

When is a thief not a thief?  When they become a productive member of society.  It isn’t enough to stop taking—though we must.  We are to also start giving. Bonnie and Clyde were notorious bank robbers, yet they didn’t steal 24 hours a day.  But, neither were they contributing to the good of others.  The Christian life runs on two tracks—a negative and positive—if it isn’t to be derailed.  We must stop taking from others in selfishness and start contributing to others in selflessness.

Not only are our works important, so are our words.  “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” (v.29‬). Words are powerful.  They can hurt or they can heal.  We are not to carelessly tear down others, but to carefully build up others by our speech.  We can choose corrupt or constrictive language.  Whatever is in the well of our heart will be brought up by the bucket of our mouth. If there is grace in our soul, then there will be grace in our speech.

God deliver us from sin and direct us into sanctification!  Take away the old and put in the new, Lord!  Do you know what that is?  Repentance. We turn from wickedness and turn to righteousness. Christ makes a difference!

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