Thursday, March 28, 2019

CHRIST’S REIGN: Returning in Glory

Read Revelation 19:1-21

The overthrow of evil in the world will come.  The age of rebellion will end with the return of Christ to establish His kingdom of righteousness. Revelation 19 describes those climactic events.

It begins with the overthrow of this world’s political, economic, and religious system—Babylon (v.1-10). The great whore of one world government under the Antichrist, with its capital seated in Rome will be decimated.  While these tribulation events visit judgment on earth, the church is enjoying the marriage supper of the Lamb, safely in heaven.

But, the church will exchange her wedding gown for armor, as we will ride beside Christ in His return to earth to establish His dominion, where we will reign at His side (v.11-18). His description is awe-inspiring to the saints, but to His foes it will be fearful. Jesus is coming to reign on earth—the “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” All His enemies will be conquered.

The Antichrist and his armies, gathered at Armageddon will be destroyed in a battle that is over as soon as it begins (v.17-21). None can stand before our Conquering King!  Even as the Bride of Christ has enjoyed a wedding feast in heaven above, now the carrion birds will be summoned to feast on the carcasses of those who dared fight the Lord. The Beast who directed the global political system and the False Prophet who led the global ecclesiastical system are first to be cast into eternal hell.

I want to be on the winning side, don’t you?

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