Wednesday, March 27, 2019

CHRIST’S REIGN: This Age and Ages to Come

Read Ephesians 1:15-23; 2:4-7.

“Jesus is Lord.”  That has been the universal confession of the church for the last 2000 years.

Jesus is Lord in this age. He has conquered death, risen in glory and power, and ascended to heaven where He reigns. All things are beneath His feet, in that He is working out His will. In particular, the church, as His body is under His Lordship. Paul prays that the eyes of the saints will be opened to understand the extent of our inheritance, that we share because of our identity in Christ.  We have been spiritually made alive together with Christ.  We have risen together with Christ in new life. We are spiritually so identified with Him that in this age we are seated with Him in Heavenly places.  All things are under His feet—so remember this today: there is nothing over your head that is under His feet!

Jesus will be Lord in the ages to come. That which is a spiritual reality will someday become a literal fulfillment. It is obvious that having new life in Christ has not actually made us glorified in the absolute sense.  We still live in this material world full of sin. We still live in this physical form that is decaying and dying. We still live in the battle zone where Satan is on the prowl. Yet, when Christ returns, the manifestation of our inheritance and actualization of our hope will be experienced. The dead in Christ will rise with new bodies, and the living saints will be changed into a glorified state. His kingdom reign will be extended over all the earth. Righteousness will reign on the globe. Satan will be bound—imprisoned in the bottomless pit. Happy day!  My heart sings, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

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