Thursday, May 02, 2019


Read Acts 16:22-34.

This week we have been looking at parental responsibility to lead their children to Christ, by giving them direction from God’s Word, fueling a desire for Christ, and disciplining them toward repentance. God can save an entire household!  In our text today, we see an example.

The way of salvation was made clear.  In answer to the question, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Paul and Silas responded, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and YOUR HOUSEHOLD” [emphasis added]. God has children, but no grandchildren—father, mother, sons, daughters—each one must personally receive Christ by faith.  It is not a matter of biology, but theology. Yet, the parent is seen to be the key to bringing Christ to the whole family.

The word of salvation was proclaimed. “Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and TO ALL WHO WERE IN HIS HOUSE” [emphasis added]. Since faith in Christ alone can save us, where can faith be generated in our household?  Paul wrote in Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”  Think of the Gospel as seed being sown in the soil of our children. As we direct them with the Word to know who Jesus is, hear and see in us joy in Jesus feeding a desire in their hearts for him, and through discipline show them their sinful state and need for repentance, we cultivate their hearts as fertile soil to bear fruit to eternal life.

Their faith was professed through baptism. “And immediately he and ALL HIS FAMILY were baptized” [emphasis added]. What a worship celebration they had in that home that night!  We read, “he rejoiced, having believed in God WITH ALL HIS HOUSEHOLD” [emphasis added]. Daddy was used to direct his entire family to Christ.  That can happen to your family as well!

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