Monday, May 06, 2019


Read Genesis 1:1.

Theology—it is the study of God. That is what we find as we examine His Word—a Book devoted to revealing God to us.   That is a journey, we commence today.

Can you imagine being a little league baseball player facing a major league pitcher and being expected to hit a home run?  Or being asked to swim across the Atlantic Ocean?  Maybe jumping across the Grand Canyon?  It would be more likely that I could do all of those, then to fully explain God.  He is beyond all comparison, greater than human imagination can dream or vocabulary describe.  My assignment is to explain the unexplainable so you can comprehend the incomprehensible.

I feel like a man on the beach who must count every grain of sand or one given a thimble with which to empty the ocean.  All I can do is ask God for a miracle as I open this Book with fear and trembling, trusting that the Holy Spirit will teach us more than we could imagine.

How important is this?  "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."  (A.W. Tozer). What comes into your mind when you think about God?  Let me begin with a few thoughts—and what better place to begin than in the beginning!

So, this week we will consider Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

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