Wednesday, June 19, 2019


As a child, I was taught a simple prayer containing a profound truth: “God is great; God is good...” and so it began with an acknowledgement of the greatness of God. It is a fundamental truth—“God is great.” This one verse is God’s testimony to His greatness, “For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe.” (Deuteronomy‬ ‭10:17‬). We see four aspects of the greatness of God.

His greatness is displayed in His might.  The great God is, “mighty.” He is Almighty God Who can do all things.

His greatness is demonstrated in His majesty.  The great God is, “awesome.” Those who know Him best understand how little they grasp and are in turn grasped by the truth of His greatness in a way that produces awe. God staggers our mind and takes our breath away—bringing us to our knees in worship!

His greatness is discerned in His morality.  The great God, “shows no partiality.” He does not treat men with prejudice.  So, God loves all, and judges all by one standard—His infinite holiness—but has provision for all in His Son Jesus Christ, Whose righteousness is ours by faith.  He is Judge of all mankind for He is above all.

His greatness is declared in His self-sufficiency.  He will not take a “bribe.” What does a God Who is everything and has everything need from us?  How can He be influenced by us?  There is no bargaining with God.  We need Him, but He does not need us.

God is great; God is good.  Let us thank Him!

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