Tuesday, June 18, 2019


“For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe. He administers justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing.” (‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭10:17-18‬)

What are we to believe about God’s greatness?  Scripture informs us. In these verses, Moses begins by pointing us to Yahweh—the Great I AM.  He had encountered Him personally and experienced Him profoundly.  Moses reminded the Israelis that they had done the same in God’s deliverance of them from the bondage of Egypt.

But, it is one thing to know about God through doctrine—and that we must—but then we are to come to know Him through experience—to see Him at work about us and in us.

Growing up in pagan Egypt and raised in Pharoah’s court, Moses had heard of many gods which the Egyptians worshipped and seen many lords that the Egyptians obeyed.  The powers of these gods were greater in the imagination of the Egyptians than mere mortals possessed, and that is why they worshipped them.  Yet, the surpassing greatness of the One True God exceeds all heathen deities combined by an infinite distance.

The position of royal lords in Egyptian society gave them a status superior to those who served them.  But, the infinite greatness of God’s person and position exalts Him above all human authorities combined by an inexpressible amount.

He is, “the great God,” which is such a simple statement that even a child can utter it, yet so profound that it will be the subject of our study today and tomorrow and forever without ever reaching the limits of His greatness!

Our question may be, “How great is our God?”  To which I can offer no standard of measure, as He exceeds everything exponentially in our calculation and extremely in our comprehension. I can only change the question to an exclamation, “How great is our God!”

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