Tuesday, July 23, 2019


 “As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you…” (Isa.66:13a)

The text does not say God is our Heavenly Mother, but that He will comfort His children as a mother does. It is an analogy to help us understand this dimension of God’s character—His gentleness. Scripture states in several places that God is our Rock.  He is not literally made of stone!  It suggests that He is a stable foundation to build your life on and a strong fortress to stand on.

Did you know that there are liberal denominations that are changing the language of Bible translations and hymns to align with radical feminism?  You might go to one of these churches and hear this:

One hymn calls the Almighty "Mother God." Another alludes to the universe as the "womb of life" A third refers to the Holy Spirit as "She [who] comes sailing on the wind." https://www.questia.com/magazine/1G1-78682355/her-hymns

We are not to impose our ideology on a Biblical text, but let the text dictate our theology.  But, we also cannot be fearful of truth that makes us uncomfortable just because there are those extreme voices.  We are accursed if we add to or take away from Scripture.

Always remember that God is above and beyond us—He is other than us.  While the Bible presents God as Father, also understand that God is a Spirit—so He does not have a body as a sexual being.  When He made humans in His image, He made them male and female, and so there are dimensions in the character of men and women that flow from God.  It does not flow back the other direction, however. Men and women are made in His image, not the opposite!  That is making God in our image—and that is idolatry.

One aspect of God’s character that He has given is his gentleness that we see expressed in maternal love.  Fathers love their children and a man can be tender too—yet there is a superlative quality about a mother’s compassion.  Mothers give us life, carry us in their womb and later in their arms.  They nourish us with their milk.  God is the source and strength of our life.  Mother’s refuse to give up on us—and God will not either!

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