Monday, July 22, 2019


“For thus says the LORD: ‘Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, And the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream. Then you shall feed; On her sides shall you be carried, And be dandled on her knees. As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you; And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.’” (Isaiah 66:12-13)

The first person of the Trinity, is God the Father.  This is a title consistent throughout Scripture.  Jesus, the second person of the Trinity called God, “My Father,” and taught us to address God as, “our Father.”  The third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit cries from within us, “Abba, Father,” as we call upon God.  We most often associate God with being our Father—rightly so.  But, another aspect of His character is the tenderness of a mother.  Now, mind you, we aren’t saying that God is to be called, “Mother,” nor thought of in that sense of His being. However, we will explore one attribute of God this week that will be illustrated by the analogy of a mother—the gentleness of God.  We do not want to say more than what the Scripture says in this matter, but neither should we say less.

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