Tuesday, September 03, 2019


“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” (1 John 4:7-8).

Since the world doesn’t really know what true love is all about—what they usually call love is actually lust—we need to be sure we understand it.  There were three basic Greek words used in the first century to define love.

The first was eros—from which we get the word “erotic,” which has to do with sensual, sexual expressions of love.  While it is true that our world often engages in this kind of love in an impure and self-centered way—it is not something dirty, but was the gift of God for a husband and wife to enjoy intimacy with one another.

Another word for love is phileo—from which we get the name of our city “Philadelphia”—meaning city of brotherly love.  This is seen in friendship, loyalty and charity—and to that extent it is a good thing.

The word used here, however, is “agape” and that is God’s kind of love—unselfish and sacrificial—given for the sake of another.  Only the believer can know and give such love.  It is the presence of the Spirit of God within the child of God that enables him or her to exhibit the fruit of love.

May it be abundantly seen in our lives today!

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