Monday, September 02, 2019


“You’d think that people would have had enough of silly love songs
I look around me and I see it isn’t so
Some people want to fill this world with silly love songs
And what’s wrong with that?  I’d like to know.”

So sang Paul McCartney in 1976.  He should know about silly love songs because one of the first ones he did with the Beatles had these brilliant lyrics,

“She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah.”

It was released one day before my eighth birthday, and was the Beatles best-selling single—and they sold a lot of records!

Love songs will continue to be written and recorded because love is a fundamental human desire.  All of us want to give and receive love.  Though sin has twisted and warped love’s meaning and expression, love—in its pure form—is nevertheless connected with our Creator.  Plainly, Scripture says, “God is love” (1 John 4:8b).

That was a radical concept in the ancient world.  Their gods were full of hate, jealousy, lust, and deception—taking advantage of and toying with humans for their own selfish whims.  The Bible shouts, “No!  God is nothing like that!”  This week, we will learn more of the love of God and see the difference that makes in our relationship with Him and with others.

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