Monday, September 30, 2019


“Behold, God is my helper...” (Ps.54:4a).

What fools we are to think that we can figure out our perplexities and fix our problems. Sooner or later we discover that no matter how smart we are, how much money we have, how talented we are—that you may as well stand in the path of a tornado and think you can throw a lasso around it and drag it into a hole—than to overcome the enormous troubles that arise.

I humbly admit my weakness and cry to God for help—and that is where my hope is found.  I am not sharp enough to know what to do or when I know what to do I am not strong enough to do it.

The wonderful news is that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and an ever present help in time of trouble!  Whatever you are facing today—no matter the magnitude of the problem, God is your Helper, and He is more than able!

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