Friday, September 27, 2019


“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Ps.23:1).  

This is one of the most precious of portraits hanging in the gallery of God. The author, David, grew up shepherding his father’s flock. He drew from that imagery to remind us of how God cares for us. We are God’s flock.  How He loves His lambs!

We shall not want in life—The Shepherd feeds us in green pastures and leads us beside still waters, restoring our soul. The Lord always guides us on the right path, for our good and the glory of His name.

We shall not fear in death—He walks with us through that dark valley.  As we come to the end of life, the Shepherd that has faithfully been near will not abandon us then. He will bring us through!

We shall not perish in eternity—dwelling in the Lord’s house forever.  How long is that?  To be in a place of breathtaking beauty, and supremely, to be in the manifest presence of our Shepherd, safely in His fold—that is something to joyfully anticipate!

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