Thursday, October 24, 2019


Genesis 14:18 introduces us to the mysterious Melchizedek, who was both king and priest, in the city that came to be known as Jerusalem. According to the writer of Hebrews, Melchizedek is a type of Christ (Ps.110:4; Heb.5:6,10; 6:20; 7:1ff). That would be a fascinating study in itself, but is not the purpose of this one.

Our focus is on the name of God that Melchizedek uses: “God Most High,” translated from the Hebrew, “El Elyon.”  There is no one above Him—God is the highest in His majesty, sovereignty, and glory. Of any god man might devise in his mind, with any words he or she might describe with his or her tongue, with any craftsmanship of an deity humans might devise—none can even compare to the Most High God!

El Elyon is described by Melchizedek as “Possessor of heaven and earth.”  As Creator, Sustainer, and Master of the universe, all of it—every molecule—belongs to Him. He directs all things to the fulfillment of His will and the exalting of His name and fame. Abram [Abraham, as he would come to be called] is the recipient of God’s favor here—in this case enabling his servant to win victory in battle against an alliance of kings that had taken his nephew, Lot, along with his family and possessions, captive. The battle was not won by Abraham’s superior strategy, but by God’s supreme sovereignty.

I don’t know what battles you are facing today. I do know that all God’s children are in a spiritual war with Satan. In our own strength, we have no might against our supernatural foe. The good news is, that the Devil and his dark army of demons has no means to withstand El Elyon, God Most High!  Trust Him and walk in victory!  “And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” (1 John 5:4b).

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