Friday, October 25, 2019


If we look back, we may be mired in regret. If we look around, we could be overwhelmed with circumstances. If we look ahead, we might be paralyzed with fear. So, look up!  There you will find El Shaddai—Almighty God—who can blot out past failures, conquer present foes, and chase prospective fears.

This is how God revealed Himself to a very old Abram [Abraham], as he was but a year shy of the century mark—and still without a son born to him and his wife Sarai [Sarah]. Abraham and Sarah had tried to help God out (read Gen.16), in the disastrous Hagar and Ishmael incident. Now, some thirteen years have passed and God doubles down on His promise. He changes the name Abram (Exalted Father) to Abraham (Father of a Multitude) and Sarai to Sarah (Princess).

It was humanly impossible. They were well past child-bearing age. But, with God all things are possible!  Nothing is too hard for the Lord. He is El Shaddai! So, very soon, Sarah will be carrying Abraham’s child and birth Isaac into their family!

Will you give Almighty God your past, present, and future? No matter how you have failed yesterday, what you are facing today, or what you fear for tomorrow, trust Him. El Shaddai is more than able to care for you!

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