Thursday, December 05, 2019


Doors offer protection.  They are a way in for friends and family, but a way to close access by fiends and foes.  Jesus as our door offers us protection.

This suggests that there is PERIL.  Our text speaks of a thief come to steal, kill, and destroy.  Sheep are in danger of rustlers who will steal them and ravenous beasts who will slay them.  This symbolizes Satan and his henchmen.  Jesus warned in the Sermon on the Mount about false teachers—“wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

Remember the setting of this teaching.  Jesus has healed a man blind from birth, but because it was done on the Sabbath Day, the religious leaders attacked Jesus (see John 9:26-34).  Jesus condemned these religious teachers as being spiritually blind (9:39-41).  Elsewhere Jesus called them blind guides, leading those blind in sin—and both would end in a ditch of doom!

Their kind are still around today. They show up at your door peddling their poison or gain access to your mind through TV, radio, and the internet.  Sadly, some stand in pulpits. Be careful who you listen to! Don’t be led astray!

There is peril, but thankfully PROTECTION.  The true flock of God are said to recognize the shepherd’s voice and follow Him, while also recognizing a stranger’s voice and fleeing him (10:3-5).  By this inner witness—a spiritual alarm goes off when you hear deception.  You are kept safe.  You run to Christ as your refuge.

Satan has to go through Christ to get to you.  Whether you are in the fold or in the field, He is there to watch over you.  Christ is our protection—a secure door.

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