Wednesday, December 04, 2019


Jesus promises a door that leads His sheep into the safety of His care and the satisfaction of His pasture.  What He gives us is real, deep, abiding satisfaction—the abundant life!

IN HIM THERE IS SATISFYING FREEDOM.  We can go in and out.  Once we were sheep penned up and destined for the slaughter.  Jesus set us free!  Maybe you’ve heard the story told by Pastor S.D. Gordon about running into a small boy with a cage full of birds. He planned to play with them, then feed them to his cat.  Gordon bought them and set them free.  Satan had us caged, and playing with us, at last planning to doom us, but Jesus paid the price to set us free!

IN HIM THERE IS SATISFYING FOOD.  This is the promise of pasture.  What Satan will feed you can never satisfy you.  The stuff of this world is junk food, that rather than nourishing you, will kill you.  What Jesus offers is peace, joy, love, forgiveness, hope, and ultimately heaven!

IN HIM THERE IS SATISFYING FULNESS.  We have abundant life.  The word abundance comes from a Latin expression meaning, “to rise in waves; to overflow.”  It pictures the waves of God’s blessing rolling in—one after another—until our life is flooded with His fulness!

Why would you not want to enter that Door?

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