Tuesday, December 03, 2019


Jesus claimed to be “the Door”—the one and only (John 10:9a).

On one hand, doors are commonplace.  There are ornate doors at the Biltmore House, steel doors in a bank vault, canvas doors in a tent, glass doors in greenhouses.

How many doors do you have at your house?  Whatever kind of door we talk about, they serve basically two purposes: entrance when open and exclusion when closed.

ENTRANCE.  In the days of Noah, God said He would judge the wicked populace with a flood.  He told Noah in grace to build an ark.  It had a single door.  When the time for judgment came, God invited Noah and his family into that door and to bring the various species of animals to preserve them.  Noah had been warning sinners to repent and inviting them into the ark—the door was wide open, but it was the one way.  You could not be saved unless you entered that one door.  Jesus is the one way to escape God’s wrath.  Today the invitation is open to all—just step inside and come to Christ!

EXCLUSION.  The door that Noah entered was closed by God—securing him in, but shutting others out.  So, Jesus pleads with you to come to Him today, but tomorrow might be too late.  How many will climb in a car today for a trip and never reach their destination—dying suddenly in a fiery car crash?  You might leave your house today for the last time—and before the night is out a heart attack brings you face to face with God. We don’t know when, but we know that day is coming.  Are you ready?

There is a singular door to salvation—Jesus!

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