Tuesday, December 29, 2020


John Maxwell says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  It is true in all dimensions of life—including the church and the elders who lead it. 

Elders are to exalt the Master (v.1). While they have a duty to the members, their ultimate reckoning is to God. It is a charge that is solemn and sobering for which they will answer to God, and stand before Christ Jesus in judgment. The work is of eternal significance. Therefore, church elders face stricter scrutiny at the Judgment Seat.  They must realize , it is about God’s kingdom and not building their own!  How is it built?

Elders are charged to expound the message (v.2-4). There are many tasks for the elders, but the high calling is to preach the Word.  Elders cannot let church activity crowd out spiritual preparation. To speak for God, first you must hear from Him.  Then, elders can stand with a Bible in their hand and speak with the authority of heaven at their back.  We live in a day, when congregations increasingly demand for preachers to tickle their ears by telling them what they want to hear.  Never let that happen in your church!

  Elders must also exhibit the ministry (v.5). Beyond what your lips say is what your life shows. The character of the elder is to be one of moral purity as they exercise self-control. The commitment of the elder is to be one of endurance and effort. He is to have a heart for souls.  His ministry is Gospel-driven and his message is Gospel-centered.  The elders are not the exclusive soul-winners, but are to set the example as soul-winners. Blessed is the church that has such leaders!

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