Wednesday, December 30, 2020


The Apostle’s commitment will be to the end, sealed in his own blood.  Here is his swan song—Paul’s last will and testament.

There are reflections on the past (v.7). 3 times, he reflects, “I have.”  Paul speaks as the soldier when he says, “I have fought the good fight.”  The old Gospel general has taken many a wound in his war with the world, the flesh, and the devil.  He has faithfully worn the whole armor of God and wielded the sword of the Spirit—the Word of God. Now, he will lay his armor aside and head for home.  The battle is over and victory has been won!  Paul speaks as a sportsman when he claims, “I have finished the race.”  It has been a marathon—a grueling race of endurance with many hurdles to clear, but now the finish line is in sight and he is sprinting to the tape.  The race is over and victory has been won!  Paul speaks as a steward when he asserts, “I have kept the faith.”  In his time, a steward was a household slave entrusted with his master’s possessions.  He was to manage them and invest them wisely, caring for the household. Paul had been entrusted with the faith—the body of Christian truth (ref. 2 Tim.1:11-14). The work is over and the reward has been won!  God help us to have this testimony in the end.  

Also, we hear a readiness in the present (v.6). Paul’s mind runs to his Jewish roots for an illustration—the pouring out of a drink offering on the altar as an act of worship.  His entire ministry had been a pouring out of his life for Jesus, the church, and lost humanity. The time for his departure from this world is close and he is not dreading it, but delighted in it!  Departure is a nautical term for boarding the ship, raising the anchor, and setting sail. Paul was boarding the Old Ship of Zion for a voyage to golden shores!

Thus, there was rejoicing in the prospects (v.😎. If we bear the cross, we will gain the crown!  Notice the reward is reserved for “that day”—the appearing of Jesus the second time. You don’t get the reward when you die, or you will get short-changed. Our influence lives on!  Only when time is no more will the final results be in and full reward be given. Not just for Paul, not just for preachers,  but “to all those who have loved his appearing.”  Do you love His appearing?  Are you looking up? Looking for Jesus? Living with expectancy and urgency?  Those who are most heavenly minded do the most earthly good.  Look up!  Live for eternity!

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