Friday, December 25, 2020


We can be confident in the perfection of the Word, “All  Scripture is inspired by God,” (2 Timothy 3:16a). Literally, it is “God breathed.”  As God breathed into Adam and made Him a living soul, He breathed into His prophets during the Old Testament era and His apostles in the New Testament age, so that what they wrote is a supernatural Book, filled with miraculous power. 

We can be confident in the perfection of the Word, and in the profit of the Word, “and is profitable” (v.16b).  It is profitable for doctrine, “teaching.”  Our beliefs are based on the Bible. It is profitable for discipline, “rebuking.”  Our rebellious nature must be broken—and Scripture chastens us. It is profitable for direction, “correcting.”  It gives light for our path to correct our wandering tendency and direct us from the path of sin and onto the path of sanctification. It is profitable for dedication, “for training in righteousness.”  D.L. Moody put it, “This book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this book.”  

We can be confident in the perfection, profit, and purpose of the Word, “so that the man of God may be” (v.17). The purpose of the Word is to make us “complete,”—that is, spiritually mature; capable, “equipped,”—trained for the task; committed, “for every good work”—and this is real success as God sees it.

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