Thursday, December 24, 2020


The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.  This is how Jesus conquered Satan, and so must we with, “It is written!”  

This mighty weapon must be wielded with endurance.  Paul stresses endurance in 2 Timothy 3:10-11, and the need to “continue in what you have learned and firmly believed” (v.14). This is my call to you—“Keep true!”  

It is a fight to the finish.  In those days of soldiers engaged in hand to hand combat, endurance was demanded. This is true spiritually. How many have we seen who wearied of the fight, wounded in the battle, and finally have thrown down the sword in surrender to the enemy! 

This world is not a playground, it is a battleground!  The enemy is strong and on the march. Persecution is likely to become an increasing reality.  Paul mentions it in verse 11 twice and again in verse 12. We have known a period of protection in America and the church has become flabby and soft.  I heard a preacher, Stuart Briscoe, talking about the difference between our churches and other churches in places across the ocean that suffer persecution. I paraphrase, “In the west, we face problems and cry, ‘O God, take these burdens off my back.’ And in the east they pray, “O God, make my back strong to bear these burdens.”  The period of protection eventually yields to a period of persecution. The world is not going to get better (v.13). Those of us who are saved will endure. The seed of Scripture has brought us faith in Jesus—and that is eternal life (v.14-15).

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