Saturday, June 18, 2022



Do you want to rob yourself and your flock of God’s blessing?  Then ignore prophecy—and in particular do not preach from Revelation. Our Lord has assured us to read and hear these words is to receive God’s blessing (1:3).  This is THE NECESSITY OF PREACHING FROM REVELATION. 

So, why do many pastors rarely deal with this book?  There is THE DIFFICULTY OF PREACHING FROM REVELATION. Granted, there are interpretive challenges. Yet, we must not shirk our duty because of the difficulty.

Yet, we must be motivated by THE URGENCY OF PREACHING FROM REVELATION. We are assured that “the time is near,” for the fulfillment of these passages. Jesus is coming soon!  We must help prepare people. What if it were today?

Do not miss THE CENTRALITY OF PREACHING FROM REVELATION.  It is foremost a book about Jesus. He is the central figure. Do not get so bogged down in the details that you forget to shine the spotlight on Jesus. The Gospel is the primary message. The church is the audience.

I love how Jesus walks among the seven golden lamp stands—the seven churches. This is the vital interest of Christ—for His church. We may be assured that when we assemble, wherever that local body gathers in this wide world, that Jesus is in our midst!  Pastor, if there are two or three in the congregation—there will be another, for Christ has promised to be there. What you do is big business, no matter the size of the congregation; be faithful, for the Lord is listening!

He also holds the seven stars in His hand. Those are the angels of the churches—one for each. The Greek word means, “messenger,” and mostly it is used to describe a heavenly being, but in this case, I understand it to be a human messenger. This is the pastor who will preach God’s Word. The message is addressed to him first—to assimilate and apply—so he might become the one who stands and speaks on behalf of Christ. What a privilege!  What a responsibility! 

No matter the critics we face or the challenges we find in ministry, always remember that Jesus holds you in the palm of His hand—and there is no safer place to be!  John was banished for his faithful preaching of the Word, suffering in isolation on a rocky island, surrounded by a stormy sea.  Yet, Christ was with Him, and we may be assured He knows where we are, and will manifest Himself to us and speak though us.

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