Tuesday, July 12, 2022


Both the commencement and conclusion of Psalm 32 provide the bookends for the content: the blessedness of forgiveness. David starts with an expression of happiness in the Lord, and sums up with an exultation of hallelujah to the Lord.

Consider THE COVERING OF SIN (v.1-5). Sin calls for a covering. The choice is in who will do the covering and the resulting consequences. There is blessing when God covers our sin, but a burden when we seek to do so. It is  the difference between heaven and hell for sinners and happiness or heaviness for saints. There is gladness when God covers sin and groaning when we attempt it. It is fascinating that the great salvation word, “atone,” literally means, “to cover.”

Blessedness comes with THE CONFESSION OF SIN (v.5-7).  God removes the sin we refuse to cover, but will reveal that which we seek to hide. He is writing it down (cf. Rev.20:12). The godly are not sinless, but swift and sincere in repentance. The wicked make excuses and shift blame, hesitant to admit guilt. At best, they are superficial in remorse. The waters of judgment will not reach the repentant.  God will be their, “hiding place.”  The wicked will be swept away. The story of Noah illustrates this. It is interesting that the word, “pitch,” that Noah used to waterproof the ark, is the Hebrew, “kaphar,” also rendered, “atonement!”

We conclude with THE COUNSEL OF SANCTIFICATION (v.8-11). God’s grace in forgiveness is never meant to be an excuse for sinfulness. Repentance means we are counseled by God from the path of sin to the pursuit of sanctification. It is the highway of holiness that yields happiness. Stubborn mules can be broken—and God will chasten us when needed. Yet, far better to be compliant than face correction!  There is the choice of a sorrowful life in sin or the steadfast love from sanctification.

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