Saturday, January 20, 2024


 Too many churches are “self service” organizations.  They have members who demand that the ministries of the church, “serve us,” when the Lord intends for members to be ministers engaged in service of others. Consider this devotional thought from Stephen Olford:

“I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day.” – John 9:4 

The true principle of all real service for God underlies this statement of the Lord Jesus. And since He was the perfect Servant when upon this earth, He made this principle the basis of His loyal service to God.

The Obligation of True Service. The Lord Jesus said, “I must work.” The obligation of loving and loyal service to His Father compelled Him to work. Yes, right from the beginning (remember the temple when He was twelve years old?) to the end. 

The Occupation of True Service. There is only one great occupation in true service – it is doing God's will. I must work the “works of Him.” “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me,” said the Savior (John 4:34). 

The Opportunity of True Service. “While it is day.” Now is the acceptable time … “Time is short” (1 Cor. 7:29). 

I can do nothing else but serve You, Lord, all of my days, 
For it is a privilege and an honor – yes, even my duty! (According to Your Word, Stephen Olford, p. 76, Kindle Edition).



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