Saturday, February 24, 2024


We are in the season of STRESSING the Gospel message of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Yet, we must ever be SHARING that redemption story, “In season and out of season,” as Paul told Timothy (cf. 2 Tim. 4:2b). That is, every season is “in season”, even if it is considered by some to be “out of season”!  

The central truth of the Christian faith is that Christ is risen from the dead, for without it we have no hope. Apart from it, we have no message.  Should Christ not be risen, then the preacher should close his Bible, walk out of the pulpit, turn off the lights, lock the doors, and never waste his time, or that of anyone else ever again. Indeed, life itself would be “futile,” as Paul puts it, (cf. 1 Cor. 15:17). 

Yet, as the hymn says, “I serve a risen Savior!”  Every Lord’s Day is a reminder of the reason we gather as the saints of God. That is the day Christ rose from the tomb. We meet not just because of a commandment to do so, but for a celebration in doing so. 

The story never gets old. It must never fail to be told and retold. As witnesses we must be bold!

If the preacher is not faithful to bear witness to the resurrection of Christ consistently, then He is guilty of sermonic malpractice.

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